ERA Chair for Food (By-) Products Valorisation Technologies

Doctoral students

Valorisation of different genotypes of rowan (Sorbus spp.) for development of functional food ingredients by using biorefining concept and innovative Technologies
Supervisors Prof. Petras Rimantas Venskutonis (Kaunas, Lithuania) and Prof. Rajeev Bhat
Viive Sarv

Sustainable utilization of selected vegetal by-products to produce value added food products and livestock feed
Supervisor: Prof. Rajeev Bhat
Dunja Malencia

Development and application of vegetable origin additives for improving safety and health benefits of meet products
Supervisors: Ivi Jõudu and Prof. Petras Rimantas Venskutonis (Kaunas, Lithuania)
Kristi Kerner

Bioplastics from bio-wastes - A sustainable approach to utilize fruits and vegetable industry wastes/ by-products
Supervisors: Prof. Rajeev Bhat and Ivi Jõudu
Katrin Jõgi

The potential use of beta-glucan in the food industry and effect
on yoghurt and fermented oat drink properties
Supervisors: Ivi Jõudu and Alice Aav
Monica Nabil Gayed Ibrahim

Purification and characterization of extracellular vesicles (EVs): A novel approach for the valorisation of fruit and vegetable wastes. (Joint PhD project between the ERA Chair of Combivet and the ERA Chair of Valortech)
Supervisors: Prof. Rajveev Bhat and Prof. Alireza Fazeli